Mapping of laboratories
This mapping is an ongoing project, initiated and developed by the TEAM2 cluster, its objectives are :
- To promote the Research and Development (R&D) skills of laboratories to TEAM2's industrial members,
- To facilitate the creation of collaborative projects between industrial and academic partners,
- To improve the visibility of the laboratories within the TEAM2 network,
The skills of the laboratories described below are available in detail from TEAM2 and accessible to its members.
ICAM (Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers)
Very close to the problems of companies, research at ICAM aims to design innovative solutions in the fields of energy, the societal and technological transition of companies, as well as innovative structures and materials.
IMT Nord Europe (École nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom)
IMT Nord Europe develops research in three main areas of expertise: energy and the environment, digital systems, materials and processes. This sheet describes only the competences of the Centre for Education, Research and Innovation in Materials and Processes (CERI MP) of IMT Nord Europe. This centre develops technical and scientific expertise mainly in civil engineering materials and polymer and composite materials. In addition to work on their durability, performance and formulation, it addresses their implementation through innovative processes as well as the use and development of associated digital tools (multiphysics simulation, formulation assistance, digital twin, flow management, etc.).
The LGCgE (Laboratoire de Génie Civil et géo-Environnement)
The research activities developed within the LGCgE are essentially centred on objects relating to civil engineering materials, geo-materials and the geo-environment, degraded sites, housing and the city. The LGCgE comprises 5 teams, each working in their respective field of research (geo-materials, innovative materials, concrete and composite materials, anthropised terrestrial ecosystems, habitat and intelligent cities, etc.). The members of the laboratory use, enrich and develop theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches for the understanding and prediction of the response of all types of materials, natural or not, including the new cohort of advanced materials.
LGI2A (Laboratoire de Génie Informatique et d'Automatique de l'Artois)
The LGI2A was created in 2000, and currently brings together some fifteen teacher-researchers in a single "Decision Support" team structured around two priority themes: Optimisation of Complex Systems, Decision and Information Fusion.
The LSEE (Laboratoires Systèmes Electrotechniques et Environnement)
The research conducted within the LSEE focuses on the environmental efficiency of rotating electrical machines and transformers. In other words, the laboratory's researchers design more efficient electromagnetic components, constrained by their uses, accepted in their environment and whose design optimises the use of materials.
UT&A (Unité Transformations et Agroressources)
The activity of the UT&A unit focuses on the valorisation of organic matter from non-food agricultural production and agricultural and agri-food co-products into innovative molecules and materials, from extraction, characterisation, formulation and/or modulation of properties through eco-responsible chemistry. The targeted fields of application are commodity products (surfactants, additives, colorants, pigments, biopesticides, etc.), materials (plastics, concretes, composites) and biological applications (anti-oxidants, anti-microbials, etc.). The UT&A Artois site is involved in the study of the recovery/recyclability of materials in connection with the circular economy.
Are you a TEAM2, 2022 member? Find the detailed information on the laboratories in your member area.