CEFR : Club des équipementiers français du recyclage
Driven by regulatory changes, the recycling rate of waste has been steadily increasing for several years. Indeed, of the 326 million tonnes of waste produced in 2017, two-thirds was recycled or reused as fill; a figure that has increased by 13% over the last 10 years.
Source: Déchets - Chiffres clés édition 2020/ ADEME (Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie).
In France, there is a particularly dynamic engineering and design/manufacturing sector for recycling equipment, which is a force for innovation. In order to support this sector, TEAM2 launched the Club des Équipementiers Français du Recyclage (CEFR) at the 2018 Pollutec show in Lyon.
Today, the CEFR has 20 members, 7 of which have obtained the "Équipementier Français du Recyclage" label. Together, they cover the entire value chain of recycling equipment: R&D (Research and Development) laboratories, design offices, assemblers, manufacturers of waste treatment and recovery machines (characterisation, sorting, handling and conveying, shredding and separation, material recovery, compacting and agglomeration). The diversity of these French technologies makes it possible to treat all types of waste and to cover the entire recycling process.
A strategic sector that contributes to the reindustrialisation of France and its international influence
With nearly 600 employees and a turnover of €200 million, the waste recycling equipment sector is spearheading the development of French industry, particularly in the Hauts-de-France region where TEAM2 has been established since 2010. The know-how of this sector is also recognised internationally and several CEFR members generate more than 70% of their turnover from exports.
The CEFR, an association to federate and promote these French recycling players
In 2022, the CEFR became an association whose mission is to promote its members through 4 objectives
- To develop and promote an industrial sector of the future that meets the challenges of the circular economy,
- To promote and recognise French know-how in terms of research, design, manufacturing and quality of service on a national and international level,
- Stimulate and support the innovation of recycling equipment manufacturers,
- To strengthen collectively through the sharing of experiences, within working groups, site visits and collective projects.
The 20 members of the CEFR
- Andrin,
- Arras Maxei,
- Cimes,
- Decoval Servipack,
- Devarem Développement,
- Ecodas,
- Etia Recycling and Robotics,
- Euragglo,
- Fives FCB,
- Green Creative,
- Iris,
- Institut Pprime CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Poitiers - Angoulême,
- Lixo,
- Mtb Recycling,
- Pellenc ST,
- Raoul Lenoir,
- Setec énergie environnement,
- TND,
- Vauché,
- Cattinair